However, the
ancient Enemy of souls knows the power that fruitful, committed and empowered lovemaking can bring to the world. He envies
the fact that while humans can help create new life he remains sterile, bitter and cut off from any true pleasure or lasting
happiness. Satan is the most frigid and sexless of creatures, unable to express any love or caring towards anyone or anything.
While all Creation is fruitful and multiplies on the various levels of union, the devil remains alone, barren, dried out and
dead inside and out.
Knowing this,
the devil tries to impose his view of life-which is nothing more than death and entropy-on all of Creation, starting with
humanity. He knows that if he can succeed in making us love his barren, dead and twisted understanding of life, then
we will end up as channels of sterility, instead of vessels of life.
One of the
ways he can best do this is to lead humans into the sins of fornication.
There are
many expressions of this act of mortal sin, but they all have their same source-the heart of the Evil One himself. To fornicate
is to take one of the greatest gifts-the pleasure of union that brings new life-and use it as an outhouse for our fears, insecurities
and issues. Of all the sins, it is the most pernicious because it is a choice of our bodies, souls and spirits with whom we
shall have sex and why. Therefore, using sex in the wrong way affects our whole being.
Let's us examine
why this is so.
Everyone must
eat or drink. Therefore, it takes great self-control not to over do our use of these necessities, since we must have them
to survive. But sex is not something we MUST have in order to live. That is why our first years on this earth are not to be
concerned with the sex drive, so that we can learn self-control with those priorities of life first, before we step into the
area of voluntary pleasures and choices.
This is why
forcing children to have sex before they have matured in both body and psyche is such an evil. It takes away the necessary
boundaries of heart, mind and body that must be in place for people to be able to make reasonable decisions regarding sexual
choices. In other words, the release of sexual desires and energy, before the time of consecrated sexual commitment can be
the stepping stone to the sexual confusion, hurt and pain that we see so clearly in the world today.
It has gotten
to the point where many adults and even children, are unable to express themselves in healthy ways through touch or even speech
without falling into patterns of distorted sexuality and cruelty. We see this every day in our media and hear it expressed
in the intense frustrations of modern music, clothing and literature. People have more sex and less satisfaction in it because
the "thrill is gone" from our relationships. The old ways of love and intimacy are now replaced by fear, bitterness,
anger, boredom and deviations that would shock the most jaded person twenty years ago.
The result
is a population that worships sensation. If it feels good, it must be good, according to our modern understanding of right
and wrong. And when the very people who should have protected and nurtured you are the ones who hurt and sexually betrayed
you, why should you believe anything they have to say about good and evil?
This mindset
leads to a society of death. The twisted world would glorify momentary sensations over lasting pleasures; fleeting titillation
over age-old commitment and anything that feels "good or right" over the natural laws of a loving God.
But we have
seen what this leads to in the capitals of Europe-aging populations, empty nurseries, barren marriages and children turned
out to become sex toys for heartless men and women bent on getting their "kicks" no matter what it costs.
We now have
several generations of people who have no natural concept of morality because of the boundaries of sin being violated at such
an early age. As such, these men, women and children are demanding that the world accommodate their broken ideas of marriage
and sexuality, no matter what the cost. Because of the pain sexual abuse and sexual sin has unleashed upon the world we have
over 40 Million babies martyred through legalized abortion, rampant sexually transmitted diseases, lust for breakfast, lunch
and dinner on our TV sets, and the movement to go even further in our expressions of sexual “freedom.” This trend
will continue until there is nothing that is not good as far as our own twisted natures are concerned.
The more God
cries out for purity, the more people run to sin under the guise of “civil rights” and “open living.” Excess is worshipped in the place of Almighty God and our children past, present and
future will be sacrificed on its altar. So, how do you answer a society that treats sexual restraint and old-fashioned morality
as prejudice and bigotry?
plans for us as a nation are to have us so drunken on the wine of excess and so enslaved to the flesh that we can’t
get up and defend ourselves with any power from the Lord.
The truth
is if the United States falls, the rest of the world will die morally and economically. What is left from our fall will be
ruled over by the ministers of the devil himself.
In this fateful
hour when humanity is faced with extinction by our own hands through war, abortion, genetic manipulation, cloning of human
DNA with animal materials, and all forms of fornication, including homosexual activity, incest and adultery, God has raised
up twin Voices to speak the Words of Christ to a sinful world. Those Voices of Purity, crying out in the wilderness of sin are
our Blessed Virgin Mother Mary and the Holy Martyrs of Uganda.
For thousands
of years, Mary, the shining star of the sea of the Father's Mercy through the Precious Blood of her son, Jesus, has shone
forth through the darkness of sin and death, lighting the clear way to the salvation that is in the Cross of Christ. She is
the bold woman of God, the Virgin Mother Most Powerful who comes forth "fair as the sun, bright as the moon and as terrible
as an army in battle array" to do battle against the forces of death that threaten to overwhelm us today.
This special
woman, chosen by the Trinity from all time, is the clear Mirror of God the Holy Spirit, the Mother of the Word Made Flesh
and the most obedient Daughter of the Father. She carried the Lord Jesus in her womb as a dark skinned peasant teenager, in
a world that rejected everything her Son would stand for all the way to His death on the Cross. She is the example
of everything that being a woman means in a world that so often hates life and strives to stamp it out forever. But she is
also the role model for all true followers of Christ, the same Christ Who proclaimed that "the Thief comes not
except to steal, to kill and to destroy. But I come to bring you LIFE and that in abundance."
If you are
a woman who, like Mary, is unwed and pregnant, contemplating abortion as the solution to your problems, stop where you are
and say a prayer in her honor. Ask yourself if this is what she would do to the innocent baby in her womb. We forget that
Mary was once a child herself, faced with a pregnancy that was unplanned and unexpected. What if she had said no to the Lord
in regards to her baby? What if she had listened to the fears that surrounded her at the time of Gabriel's message? Do not
fool yourselves! Mary knew full well of the hateful remarks, the cruel words, the shame, the pain of rejection that would
be hers if she decided to accept this Unborn Miracle of a child. But she said yes. And the world has never been the same!
Would you
reject the child of your womb, little mothers? Will you kill the babies who have come as gifts to this hurting and broken
world? Will you listen to the voices of fear and hate hissing through the mouth of Satan himself and murder the future? Or
will you be as Mary and say, "Let it be according to Your will, Lord. I did not plan this, but I now accept it."
I say to you
mothers unplanned, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! There are many people around you; good people who are like Elizabeth, Mary's older cousin,
who said, "Blessed art you among women. Blessed is the fruit of your womb," when she recognized the wonder her relative was
carrying in her womb. I call on those older men and women-the uncles, aunts, grandmothers and grandfathers, cousins and friends
who will recognize the gifts our young women bear in their wombs. Love these women before, during and after their children
have been born into this world. Love them and help them find their way as part of the extended family of God. Do not reject
them. Do not turn your backs on them. Take them in and make them a part of your life. You will never regret it, I promise
I call upon
the fathers of these children; the men who got these young women with child in the first place. Do not run away from your
responsibilities! Be as Joseph and stand like men besides these women in their hour of pain. If she was good enough for a
night of passion, she is good enough to walk beside in the days of motherhood.
Be a man!
Do more than pay child support. Support your family with hard work, gentle hearts, strong arms and protection against the
evil that so besets us.
Don't you
dare leave these women to face raising a family alone. Don't you dare leave your children to be torn apart by the knives and
suction tubes of the abortion clincis. Don't you dare remain aloof and silent while murder and suicide run through our streets
and homes or while people in positions of power use rape, fear and intimidation to rob our children of their futures as normal,
happy, well adjusted men and women of God.
Don't you
In this we
call on the prayers of Mary and Joseph, the protectors of the holy Child Jesus to succor us. May they be the examples of what
being parents under pressure means to the world at large and to us as Christian people.
Finally, we
call upon the example and prayers of the Holy Martyrs of Purity.
These Black
African men and boys, the youngest of whom was 13 years old, died as witnesses to the Faith of Jesus Christ rather than support
a man whose idea of sexual freedom was to rape young boys. You see in Uganda, in 1883, King Muganda's word was law and he
used that authority to force the young pages in his court to submit to sodomy.
Most of the
people were too frightened to speak out against this sin. They saw that anyone who dared to protest this treatment would be
silenced by beatings, beheadings or a slow death on a pyre. But these men, led by Charles Lwanga, would not be silent.
They spoke out to the king to his face and condemned him for his pedophilia and sodomite practices.
For that stance,
they were murdered by the state. Heads were chopped off. Sharp spears were thrust into their bodies. The rest were roasted
to death over a slow fire for three days until they died singing songs to their Lord as the flames finally silenced their
But their
fierce bravery and commitment to the Cause of Christ gained them heavenly crowns and honor in constrast to the shame and pain
they endured on earth.
They live
on in a world that now teaches us that pedophilia is a form of love and the results of sexual abuse and cruelty is to be honored
as either sexual freedom or a roll of the genetic dice. The Martyrs of Uganda would stand up and let you know-sexual
abuse is not a choice! And the fact that millions of abuse victims now embrace an "alternate lifestyle" is no accident of
genes, but the result of what happens when children are left to the mercy of the vicious.
We appeal
to all Christian churches everywhere. We appeal to all schools, scouting groups, youth organizations and every place
where children are taught or cared for-stop hiding pedophiles! Stop masking the results of child rape and incest
which in many cases is homosexuality, fornication, rage and abuse. Treat the victims! Stop the guilty! Repair
this breach that has been left open for so long.
That is the
opening that the Enemy has used to wreak havoc among us. Until we have the courage to stand up and confess the sins that
we have tolerated too long in our communities we shall not be a free people of God. We will remain enslaved to the
wicked oppression of sin.
To the victims
of abortion and fornication, those who have fallen into these sins and those who are hurting from them, we say, God has a
plan for us. And those plans are repentance, repair and revival. You can be healed. You can be made whole. Don't
be afraid to come to Him Who loves you and is waiting to heal the brokeness of your life. We are all battered and broken sinners.
No one can say we have known no sin. We are all equal at the foot of the Cross. Come then and let the same Blood that preserved
Mary and strengthened the martyrs heal and strengthen you from the pain and shame that has beset your lives.
He is waiting.
May God bless
us all with love, peace and healing this Good Friday, year of our Lord Jesus Christ, 2008.
Bishop Trimelda
C. McDaniels
Christ Charismatic
Liturgical Recovery Churches
"God's 12
Steps Church Of A Second Chance"